

2018-12-27 来源: 责任编辑: 作者:tm查看:
1A   New Way to Uniform Microwave Treatment of Epoxy GlassMaterial   Science Forum
2Activation   of multiple twins by pre-tension and compression to enhance the strength of   Mg-3Al-1Zn alloy platesMAT   SCI ENG A-STRUCT
3Exploration   of Na2.65Ti3.35Fe0.65O9 as anode materials for Na-ion batteriesChem   CommSCI二区徐茂文2015-01
4Formic   acid-reduced ultrasmall Pd nanocrystals on graphene to provide superior   electocatalytic activity and stability toward formic acid oxidationnano   energySCI一区李长明2015-01
5Multifunctionalized   reduced graphene oxide-doped polypyrrole/pyrrolepropylic acid nanocomposite   impedimetric immunosensor to ultra-sensitively detect small molecular   aflatoxin B-1biosensors   & bioelectronics
6One-   and two-photon luminescence in graphene oxide quantum dotsNEW   J CHEMSCI三区汪敏2015-01
7An   in-vitro study of enzyme-responsive Prussian blue nanoparticles for combined   tumor chemotherapy and photothermal therapyColloids   and Surfaces B: BiointerfacesSCI二区薛鹏2015-01
8Nucleation   and growth of Ge nanoclusters on the Si(111)-(7x7) surface studied by   scanning tunneling microscopySurface   and Interface AnalysisSCI四区张永平2015-01
9Towards   hard yet self-lubricious CrAlSiN coatingsJournal   of Alloys and compoundsSCI二区SAM,   ZHANGSHANYONG2015-01
11Deep   cryogenic treatment-induced phase transformation in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloyInternational   Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and MaterialsSCI四区李春梅2015-01
13Fluorine   adsorption on the graphene films: From metal to insulatorCOMP   MATER SCISCI三区惠群2015-02
14Aptamer   based fluorescence recovery assay for aflatoxin B1 using a quencher system   composed of quantum dots and graphene oxideMicrochimica   ActaSCI二区鲁志松2015-02
15Inhibition   of MDR1 gene expression and enhancing cellular uptake for effective colon   cancer treatment using dual-surface-functionalized nanoparticlesBIOMATERIALSSCI一区肖波2015-02
16Growth   of periodic carbon nanotube structures using nanosphere lithographyMATER   LETTSCI二区满玉红2015-02
17Novel   D-p-A organic sensitizers containing diarylmethylene-bridged triphenylamine   and different spacers for solar cell applicationTETRAHEDRON   LETTERSSCI三区朱琳娜2015-02
18Au   Nanoparticles-3D Graphene Hydrogel Nanocomposite To Boost Synergistically in   Situ Detection Sensitivity toward Cell-Released Nitric OxideACS   applied materials & interfacesSCI一区李长明2015-02
19One-step   synthesis of monodisperse gold dendrite@polypyrrole core-shell nanoparticles   and their enhanced catalytic durabilitycolloid   and polymer scienceSCI四区胡卫华2015-02
20Polyamine-capped   gold nanorod as a localized surface Plasmon resonance probe for rapid and   sensitive copper(II) ion detectionjournal   of colloid and interface scienceSCI二区李长明2015-02
21PEIE   capped ZnO as cathode buffer layer with enhanced charge transfer ability for   high efficiency polymer solar cellsSynthetic   MetalsSCI二区宋群梁2015-02
22Microfluidic   paper-based analytical devices fabricated by low-cost photolithography and   embossing of Parafilm®LAB   CHIPSCI一区余玲2015-02
23Synergistic   effect of titanium dioxide nanocrystal/reduced graphene oxide hybrid on   enhancement of microbial electrocatalysisJournal   of Power SourcesSCI一区李长明2015-02
24pH-controllable   synthesis of unique nanostructured tungsten oxide aerogel and its sensitive   glucose biosensorNanotechnologySCI二区包淑娟2015-02
25PEGylated   Metalloporphyrin Nanoparticles as a Promising Catalyst for the Heterogeneous   Oxidation of Cyclohexene in WaterMacromolecular   Chemistry and PhysicsSCI三区徐立群2015-02
26Microfluidic   synthesis of monodisperse PEGDA microbeads for sustained release of   5-fluorouracilMicrofluidics   and NanofluidicsSCI二区薛鹏2015-02
27Simple   and low cost integration of highly conductive three-dimensional electrodes in   microfluidic devicesBiomedical   MicrodevicesSCI二区薛鹏2015-02
28Dye-sensitized   solar cells based on functionalized truxene structureChin   Chem LettSCI四区朱琳娜2015-03
29Poly   (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene): dextran sulfate (PEDOT: DS)–A highly   processable conductive organic biopolymerACTA   BIOMATERSCI一区翁博2015-03
30Enhancing   stretch formability of rolled Mg sheets by pre-inducing contraction twins and   recrystallization annealingMAT   SCI ENG A-STRUCT
31Shape-controlled   ceria-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites toward high-sensitive in situ   detection of nitric oxideBiosensors   & bioelectronicsSCI一区李长明2015-03
32Carbon-coated   P2-type Na0.67Ni0.33Ti0.67O2 as an anode material for sodium ion batteriesJ   Solid State ElectrSCI二区徐茂文2015-03
33Light-controlled   resistive switching memory of multiferroic BiMnO3 nanowire arraysphysical   chemistry chemical physicsSCI二区李长明2015-03
34Numerical   and experimental characterization of solid-state micropore-based cytometer   for detection and enumeration of biological cellselectrophoresisSCI三区李长明2015-03
35A   simple and cost effective experimental method for verifying singlet fission in   pentacene–C60 solar cellsRSC   AdvancesSCI三区宋群梁2015-03
36Significance   of wall number on the carbon nanotube support-promoted electrocatalytic   activity of Pt NPs towards methanol/formic acid oxidation reactions in direct   alcohol fuel cellsJ   MATER CHEM ASCI一区李长明2015-03
37Tungsten   diphosphide nanorods as an efficient catalyst for electrochemical hydrogen   evolutionjournal   of power sourcesSCI一区李长明2015-03
38Solvent-mediated   directionally self-assembling MoS2 nanosheets to a novel worm-like structure   and its application in sodium batteriesJ.Mater.Chem.ASCI一区徐茂文2015-03
39Integration   of bacteriorhodopsin with upconversion nanoparticles for NIR-triggered   photoelectrical responsechemical   communicationsSCI一区李长明2015-03
40Highly   efficient capture and harvest of circulating tumor cells on a microfluidic   chip integrated with herringbone and micropost arraysBiomedical   MicrodevicesSCI二区薛鹏2015-03
41Magnetic   Prussian blue nanoparticles for combined enzyme-responsive drug release and   photothermal therapyRSC   advancesSCI三区薛鹏2015-03
42Tea   Stains-Inspired Initiator Primer for Surface Grafting of Antifouling and   Antimicrobial Polymer Brush CoatingsBIOMACROMOLECULESSCI一区徐立群2015-03
44Infuence   of CO2 on the oxygen surface exchange kinetics of mixed-conducting   Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-d oxideCHINESE   J CHEM PHYSSCI四区宋春林2015-03
45Electrical   and Mechanical Properties of Alumina Mixed BaTiO3 ceramics Incorporating   Nano-sized PowdersFERROELECTRICSSCI四区严岩2015-04
46Novel   organic dyes based on diarylmethylene-bridged triphenylamine for   dye-sensitized solar cellsSYNTHETIC   METSCI二区朱琳娜2015-04
473D   Porous interconnected NaVPO4F/C network: Preparation and performance for   Na-ion batteryRSC   AdvSCI三区徐茂文2015-04
48Aptamer   induced assembly of fluorescent nitrogen-doped carbon dots on gold   nanoparticles for sensitive detection of AFB(1)Biosensors   & BioelectronnicsSCI一区王斌2015-04
49Bioinspired   Synthesis of Nitrogen/Sulfur Co-doped Graphene as an Efficient   Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction ReactionJournal   of Power SourcesSCI一区胡卫华2015-04
50Highly   conductive graphene-coated silk fabricated via a repeated coating-reduction   approachJ   MATER CHEM CSCI一区鲁志松2015-04
51In   situ growth of metallic silver on glucose oxidase for a highly sensitive   glucose sensorRSC   ADVSCI三区包淑娟2015-04
52Drug-eluting   Microneedles for Self-administered Treatment of KeloidsTechnology
53Mechanical   properties, minimum thermal conductivity, and anisotropy in bc-structure   superhard materialsComputational   Materials ScienceSCI三区陈志谦2015-04
55Spontaneous   interfacial reaction between metallic copper and PBS to form cupric phosphate   nanoflower and its enzyme hybrid with enhanced activityColloids   and Surfaces B: BiointerfacesSCI二区胡卫华2015-05
56New   Organic Dyes Based on Biarylmethylene-Bridged Triphenylamine for Dye   Sensitized Solar CellChinese   Journal of ChemistrySCI四区朱琳娜2015-05
57Bio-Interfaces:   Bio-Interface of Conducting Polymer-Based Materials for NeuroregenerationADV   MATER INTERFACESSCI四区翁博2015-05
58A   Compact, Highly Efficient and Flexible Polymer Ultra-Wideband AntennaIEEE   ANTENN PROPAG MSCI四区翁博2015-05
59Graphene   Nanosheet as Counter Electrode in P-type Dye-Sensitized Solar CellsChemistry   LettersSCI四区宋群梁2015-05
60Fluffy-ball-shaped   carbon nanotube-TiO2 nanorod nanocomposites for photocatalytic degradation of   methylene blueRSC   ADVSCI三区鲁志松2015-05
61A   selenium-confined porous carbon cathode from silk cocoons for Li–Se battery   applicationsRSC   ADVSCI三区徐茂文2015-05
62Nanostructured   polystyrene/polyaniline/graphene hybrid materials for electrochemical   supercapacitor and Na-ion battery applicationsJ   MATER SCISCI二区陈久存2015-05
63Photodeposition   synthesis of a ZnO nanoporous layerRSC   AdvancesSCI三区覃礼钊2015-05
64NaTi3FeO8:   a novel anode material for sodium-ion batteriesRSC   AdvancesSCI三区徐茂文2015-05
65新型超硬材料 z-BC2N 的弹性、硬度与热导率研究无机材料学报SCI四区陈志谦2015-05
66HfO2   多型体的弹性、慢度和热导率及其各向异性研究中国科学G
67AuPdPt-WC/C   复合材料作为直接甲醇燃料电池阴极催化剂的性能研究真空
69L-Cysteine   tailored porous graphene aerogel for enhanced power generation in microbial   fuel cellsRSC   ADVSCI三区乔琰2015-06
70The   effect of elementary fibre variability on bamboo fibre strengthMATER   DESIGNSCI二区王放2015-06
71Bi-module   Sensing Device to In Situ Quantitatively Detect Hydrogen Peroxide Released   from Migrating Tumor CellPLOS   ONESCI三区余玲2015-06
72Dual   Fluorescence-Activated Study of Tumor Cell Apoptosis by an Optofluidic SystemIEEE   journal of selected topics in quantum electronicsSCI二区李长明2015-06
73Amphiphilic   poly(ethylene glycol)-b-poly(ethylene brassylate) copolymers: One-pot   synthesis, self-assembly, and controlled drug releaseCHINESE   CHEM LETTSCI四区陈久存2015-06
74Effect   of cryogenic treatment on film-substrate bonding strength of DLC film/   high-speed steelInternational   Conference on Material Science and Application(ICMSA 2015)
75Antifouling   Coatings of Catecholamine Copolymers on Stainless SteelIND   ENG CHEM RESSCI二区徐立群2015-06
76Reduction   of graphene oxide at room temperature with vitamin C for RGO-TiO2 photoanodes   in dye-sensitized solar cellThin   solid filmsSCI三区SAM,   ZHANGSHANYONG2015-06
78Influence   of water vapor on silica membrane: adsorption properties and percolation   effectCHINESE   J CHEM PHYSSCI四区宋春林2015-06
79Influence   of torsion deformation on textures of cold drawing pearlitic steel wiresACTA   METALL SIN-ENGLSCI三区郭宁2015-06
84Bio-inspired   synthesis of carbon hollow microspheres from Aspergillus flavus conidia for   lithium-ion batteriesRSC   AdvSCI三区徐茂文2015-07
85Dielectric   behavior of Ba-doped CaCu3Ti4O12 ceramics prepared from citrate-nitrate   combustion derived powdersJ   MATER SCI-MATER EL
86Dependence   of tensile and compressive deformation behavior on aging precipitation in   rolled ZK60 alloysMAT   SCI ENG A-STRUCT
87Strain   compatibility effect on the variant selection of connected twins in magnesiumMATER   DESIGN
88Modification   of a thin layer of alpha-Fe2O3 onto a largely voided TiO2 nanorod array as a   photoanode to significantly improve the photoelectrochemical performance   toward water oxidationRSC   ADVSCI三区李长明2015-07
89Evidences   of photocurrent generation by hole–exciton interaction at organic   semiconductor interfacesOrganic   ElectronicsSCI二区宋群梁2015-07
90Optical   properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons with Stone–Wales defects and   hydrogenation on the defectsRSC   ADVSCI三区汪敏2015-07
91Na3.12Fe2.44(P2O7)2/multi-walled   carbon nanotube composite as a cathode material for sodium-ion batteriesJ   MATER CHEM ASCI一区徐茂文2015-07
92Photocatalytic   activity of Pt-modified Bi2WO6 nanoporous wall under sunlightJ   Nanopart ResSCI二区包淑娟2015-07
93Porous   graphene to encapsulate Na6.24Fe4.88(P2O7)4 as composite cathode materials   for Na-ion batteriesChem.Comm.SCI一区徐茂文2015-07
94Quaternized   poly(2-(dimethylamino)ethyl methacrylate)-grafted agarose copolymers for   multipurpose antibacterial applicationsRSC   AdvancesSCI三区徐立群2015-07
95Disposable   Lateral Flow-through Strip for Smartphone-camera to Quantitatively Detect   Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in MilkBIOSENS   BIOELECTRONSCI一区余玲2015-07
96A   one-piece lateral flow impedimetric test strip for label-free clenbuterol   detectionANAL   METHODS-UKSCI三区余玲2015-07
97Hydrothermal   synthesis of self-assembly Co nanospheres and their magnetic propertiesMATER   RES INNOV
98Controllable   green synthesis of Cu2O nanocrystals with shape evolution from octahedra to   truncated octahedraRSC   AdvancesSCI三区李庆2015-07
99Convenient   and green soft chemical route to cuprous oxide films and their visible-light   photocatalytic propertiesMicro   & Nano LettersSCI四区李庆2015-07
100Glutathione-Responsive   Polymeric Micelles Formed by a Biodegradable Amphiphilic Triblock Copolymer   for Anticancer Drug Delivery and Controlled ReleaseACS   Biomaterials Science & EngineeringSCI二区许志刚2015-07
101The   Micro-mechanical property of porous alumina film on glass substrate prepared   by oxalic acid oxidationThe   2015 International Conference on Material Science and Application
102Microstructure   characterization of zinc alloy ZA27 with modification and heat treatmentsAdvances   in engineering research
103Effects   of Dimethyl Formamide on Laser-induced Damage to SiO2 Films Prepared by the   Sol-gel MethodThe   2015 International Conference on Material Science and Application
104Synthesis   of a novel book-like K0.23V2O5 and their electrochemical behavior in lithium   batteriesChem   CommSCI二区徐茂文2015-08
105Oral   administration of pH-sensitive curcumin-loaded microparticles for ulcerative   colitis therapyCOLLOID   SURFACE BSCI二区肖波2015-08
106Preparation   of PANI–PVA composite film with good conductivity and strong mechanical   propertyPlastics,   Rubber and CompositesSCI四区聂明2015-08
1073D   Interpenetrating Macroporous Graphene Aerogels with MnO2 Coating for   SupercapacitorsRUSS   J ELECTROCHEM+SCI四区包淑娟2015-08
108Volumetric   measurement of human red blood cells by MOSFET-based microfluidic gateelectrophresisSCI三区李长明2015-08
109Patterned   growth of vertically aligned carbon nanotube arrays using colloidal   lithography and plasma enhanced chemical vapor depositionJ   ALLOY COMPDSCI二区满玉红2015-08
110In   situ synthesis of silver nanoparticles uniformly distributed on   polydopamine-coated silk fibers for antibacterial applicationJ   COLLOID INTERF SCISCI三区鲁志松2015-08
1113-D   microarray and its microfabrication-free fluidic immunoassay deviceanalytica   chimica actaSCI一区李长明2015-08
112Stabilization   of gold nanoparticles on glass surface with polydopamine thin film for   reliable LSPR sensingJournal   of Colloid and Surface ScienceSCI三区胡卫华2015-08
113Electrospinning   Synthesis of Porous CoWO4 Nanofibers as an Ultrasensitive, Nonenzymatic,   Hydrogen Peroxide Sensing Interface with Enhanced ElectrocatalysisCHEMELECTROCHEMSCI四区包淑娟2015-08
114Convenient   Route to Well-Dispersed Cu2O Nanospheres and Their Use as PhotocatalystsJournal   of Nanoscience and NanotechnologySCI三区李庆2015-08
115Uniform-height   metal nanocrystals formed on the Si(111)-(7x7) surface via interface   modificationMaterials   Research ExpressSCI三区张永平2015-08
116Nitrogen-enriched   carbon sheets derived from egg white by using expanded perlite template and   its high-performance supercapacitorsNANOTECHNOLOGYSCI二区陈久存2015-08
117Hybrid   ZnO Nanorod-Polymer Brush Hierarchically Nanostructured Substrate for   Sensitive Antibody MicroarraysAdvanced   MaterialsSCI一区胡卫华2015-08
118Experimental   investigation of the important influence of pretreatment process of thermally   exfoliated graphene on their microstructure and supercapacitor performanceELECTROCHIM   ACTASCI一区包淑娟2015-08
121Co-delivery   of camptothecin and curcumin by cationic polymeric nanoparticles for   synergistic colon cancer combination chemotherapyJ   MATER CHEM BSCI一区肖波2015-09
122D–A–A-Type   Organic Dyes for NiO-Based Dye-Sensitized Solar CellsEuropean   Journal of Organic ChemistrySCI三区朱琳娜2015-09
123Colorimetric   detection of mercury(II) based on 2,2'-bipyridyl induced quasi-linear   aggregation of gold nanoparticlessensors   and actuators B chemcial
124Real-time   monitoring of phenazines excretion in Pseudomonas aeruginosa microbial fuel   cell anode using cavity microelectrodesBIORESOURCE   TECHNOLSCI一区乔琰2015-09
125Atom   Transfer Radical Polymerization to Fabricate Monodisperse Poly[glycidyl   methacrylate-co-poly (ethylene glycol) methacrylate] Microspheres and Its   Application for Protein Affinity PurificationJ   COLLOID INTERF SCISCI三区余玲2015-09
126In   situ synthesis and excellent photocatalytic activity of tiny Bi decorated   bismuth tungstate nanorodsRSC   ADVSCI三区包淑娟2015-09
127High   performance mesoporous C@Se composite cathodes derived from Ni-based MOFs for   Li–Se batteriesRSC   AdvancesSCI三区徐茂文2015-09
128Aqueous-solution   synthesis of uniform PbS nanocubes and their optical propertiesJ   NANOPART RESSCI二区李元2015-09
129Mitigated   Reactive Oxygen Species Generation Leads to an Improvement of Cell   Proliferation on Poly[glycidyl methacrylate-co-poly(ethylene glycol)   methacrylate] Functionalized Polydimethylsiloxane SurfJ   BIOMED MATER RES ASCI二区余玲2015-09
130Flexible   PEGDA-based Microneedle Patches with Detachable PVP-CD Arrowheads for   Transdermal Drug DeliveryRSC   AdvancesSCI二区薛鹏2015-09
132Structural   and Dielectric Properties of Cerium-modified BiScO3-PbTiO3 Piezoelectric   CeramicsInternational   Conference on Materials Engineering and Information Technology Applications
135The   dielectric properties and microstructure of BaTiO3 ceramics with ZnO-Nb2O5   composite addtionJ   ALLOY COMPDSCI二区严岩2015-10
136Influence   of surface modification on the microstructure and thermo-mechanical   properties of bamboo fibersMATERIALSSCI二区王放2015-10
137Hyaluronic   acid-functionalized polymeric nanoparticles for colon cancer-targeted   combination chemotherapyNANOSCALESCI一区肖波2015-10
138Enhancing   mechanical properties of Mg–Sn alloys by combining addition of Ca and ZnMATER   DESIGNSCI二区宋波2015-10
139Na0.56Ti1.72Fe0.28O4:   a novel anode material for Na-ion batteriesRSC   AdvancesSCI三区徐茂文2015-10
140Synthesis   of novel book-like K0.23V2O5 crystals and their electrochemical behavior in   lithium batterieschemical   communicationsSCI二区李长明2015-10
141Living   Cells Directly Growing on a DNA/Mn-3(PO4)(2)-Immobilized and Vertically   Aligned CNT Array as a Free-Standing Hybrid Film for Highly Sensitive In Situ   Detection of Released Superoxide AnionsAdvanced   functiional materialsSCI一区李长明2015-10
142Two   dimensional atomically thin MoS2 nanosheets and their sensing applicationsnanoscaleSCI一区李长明2015-10
143In   vitro anti-aflatoxigenic effect and mode of action of cinnamaldehyde against   aflatoxin B-1INT   BIODETER BIODEGRSCI四区鲁志松2015-10
144Transient   transmembrane secretion of H2O2: a mechanism for the citral-caused inhibition   of aflatoxin production from Aspergillus flavuschemical   communicationSCI一区李长明2015-10
145One-pot   synthesis of small and uniform Au@PtCu core-alloy shell nanoparticles as an   efficient electrocatalyst for direct methanol fuel cellsapplied   catalysis B-environmentalSCI一区李长明2015-10
146PEGylated   Fluorescent Nanoparticles from One-Pot Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization   and “Click Chemistry”PolymersSCI二区徐立群2015-10
147Ruthenium(II)-terpyridine   complexes-containing glyconanoparticles for one- and two-photon excited   fluorescence imagingEuropean   Polymer JournalSCI三区徐立群2015-10
148Tailoring   Co(OH)(2) hollow nanostructures via Cu2O template etching for high   performance supercapacitorsJournal   of colloid and interface scienceSCI三区李长明2015-10
149Improving   tensile and compressive properties of extruded magnesium alloys via a simple   pre-torsion deformationMATER   DESIGNSCI一区郭宁2015-10
151Insights   into dye design for efficient p-type photoelectrodes: effect of   oligothiophene length between the donor and the NiO surfaceRSC   ADVSCI三区朱琳娜2015-11
152Effects   of sintering temperature on the properties of Mn/Y codoped Ba0.67Sr0.33TiO3   ceramics for tunable applicationJ   MATER SCI-MATER EL
153Facile   Synthesis of Novel Networked Ultra long Cobalt Sulfide Nanotubes and Its   Application in SupercapacitorsACS   Applied materials & InrterfacesSCI一区李长明2015-11
154High-Performance   Flexible All-Solid-State Supercapacitor from Large Free-Standing   Graphene-PEDOT/PSS FilmsSCI   REP-UKSCI二区翁博2015-11
155Highly   active and inexpensive iron phosphide nanorods electrocatalyst towards   hydrogen evolution reactionInternational   journal of hydrogen energySCI二区李长明2015-11
156A   simple method to experimentally determine the accurate RC-constant in   nanosecond timescale transient photocurrent measurements on organic solar   cellsRSC   AdvancesSCI三区宋群梁2015-11
157The   effect of an external electric field on thermally-deposited thin   CdS/CdTe-based solar cellsInternational   Journal of Modern Physics BSCI四区宋群梁2015-11
158One-post   patterning of multiple protein gradients using a low-cost flash foam stampCHEM   COMMUNSCI二区余玲2015-11
159Monolayer   molecular probes for detection of trace amounts of cyanide anionsRSC   ADVSCI三区朱琳娜2015-11
160Gel   casting of sialon ceramics based on water soluble epoxy resinCeramics   InternationalSCI二区刘岗2015-11
161The   large electrochemical capacitance of nitrogen-doped mesoporous carbon derived   from egg white by using a ZnO templateRSC   AdvSCI三区陈久存2015-11
162Inhomogeneous   creep deformation in metallic glassesMater   Sci Eng ASCI二区郭胜锋2015-11
163Elastic   properties, hardness, and anisotropy in baddeleyite IVTMO2 (M=Ti, Zr, Hf)中国科学SCI二区陈志谦2015-11
164A   Novel Electroactive Polymer for pH-independent Oxygen SensingelectroanalysisSCI三区李长明2015-12
165Ni(II)-Based   Metal-Organic Framework Anchored on Carbon Nanotubes for Highly Sensitive   Non-Enzymatic Hydrogen Peroxide SensingElectrochimica   ActaSCI一区包淑娟2015-12
166Nanostring-cluster   hierarchical structured Bi2O3:synthesis, evolution and application in   biosensingPhys.   Chem. Chem. Phys.SCI二区包淑娟2015-12
167NiMoO4   nanofibres designed by electrospining technique for glucose electrocatalytic   oxidationAnalytica   Chimica ActaSCI一区包淑娟2015-12
168Carbon   nanotubes implanted manganese-based MOFs for simultaneous detection of   biomolecules in body fluidsAnalystSCI二区包淑娟2015-12
169Power   driven tunable white upconversion luminescence from Lu2TeO6 tri-doped with   Yb3+, Tm3+ and Ho3+CRYSTENGCOMMSCI二区唐剑锋2015-12
170A   nickel-based metal-organic framework: A novel optimized anode material for   Li-ion batteriesMaterials   LettersSCI二区徐茂文2015-12
171Modifiation   effect of Yb and Na3PO4 on microstructure of Mg2Si/Mg-4Si alloy and mechanismChina   FoundrySCI四区于文斌2015-12
172AZ31镁合金在平面应变压缩过程中的孪生行为研究ACTA   METALL SINSCI三区郭宁2015-12